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This listing is for a New Reproduction Steel 1978-1983 CJ-5 Body Kit with Jeep script. This kit will work on the 1976-1977 models but has a larger cowl opening and has no indentation for top bow.
This will include: Tub, window frame, hood, fenders, and grill.
The tub will have the Jeep script on it.
Message me for a freight quote.
Please note if a commercial business (Open 8-5 with forklift or loading dock) address or if a residential address.
You will have to have a way to unload. Freight companies will not put these over length crates on lift gates!
Freight to the lower 48 United States only!
The body comes with the black primer.
Primer is just to keep the metal from rusting and should be scuffed/removed and more primer applied before painting.
There will be scratches and box wear from the shipping and a small dent is possible and likely on bodies and body parts.
Its normally pretty good but I want everyone to be aware of this.
These bodies and parts will require some body work.